Partner 1:
CSEMADOK Želiezovce – Basic organisation of the Hungarian Social and Cultural Association in Slovakia, Civic Association Castellum Zeliz
Address/Head office: Schubertova 229/26, 937 01 Źeliezovce
Telephone: +421 915 419 486
Statutory representative: Ing. András Sárai

Partner 2:
OZ Castellum Zeliz
Address/Head office: Nová 195/1, 937 01 Želiezovce
Telephone: +421 905 770 655
Statutory representative: Katarína Polková

Partner 3:
Norsk forening for komponister og tekstforfattere (NOPA)
Address/Head office: Kongens gate 24, 0153 Oslo
Telephone: 22 47 30 00

The project Restoration of the manor house in Želiezovce in order to preserve the cultural heritage and make it accessible to the general public benefits from a € 737.000 grant from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 110.500. The aim of the project is to restoration of the roof structure of Esterhazy manor house in Želiezovce and making it accessible to the general public as well as using it for the purpose of educational, marketing and cultural activities.
If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the EEA Grants in Slovakia, visit
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