Construction inspection day

On May 25, the first inspection day of the castle renovation works was held,
at which, in addition to the representatives of the construction company, Mayor
Ondrej Juhász and some city representatives also appeared. The contractor Tomáš
Pohori reported on the activities carried out so far: “First, we had to deal with the
identified static problems, so that our specialists could start the demolition work
safely. The static reinforcement of the structural elements of the building took 3-4
weeks. As part of this, we supported the arches, chimneys and the problematic parts
of the ceiling. After that, we started demolishing the ceramic ceiling and then
removing the roof tiles.”

The contractor also informed those present, that the supply of timber
was hampered. For this reason, and for price-saving reasons, the wood left over from
the demolition is inspected statically, so that it can be reused if it is of adequate
quality. Due to the increase in market prices for wood and steel and the static
stabilization of the building, the current budget does not fully cover the construction
costs. Another factor in the price increase is, that the binding decision of the regional
monument office, which requires the restoration of the remaining original elements,
must be taken into account during the construction.

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